Make a significant contribution to Berkeley with a gift of residential, commercial, or undeveloped real estate.
How it works
- You give all or a portion of your home, commercial building, or investment property to Berkeley.
- We will sell the property and use the proceeds to support the campus programs you designate.
How you benefit
- Real property assets can be used to make outright gifts to support Berkeley right now or to fund a gift that pays you or a loved one income for life and benefits Berkeley in the future.
- Your income tax charitable deduction will equal the full, fair-market value of the property, not the price you paid to purchase the property. The deduction can be used to offset up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income in the year of gift; any unused portion of the deduction can be carried forward for an additional five years.
- You will not owe capital gains tax on the transfer.
How to give
Kwei Ü likes to say he grew up at UC Berkeley’s International House.

Michele and Kwei Ü
The retired neurologist was just 16 years old when he came from Hong Kong to Berkeley in 1961, but immediately he felt at home because his father and several of his aunts and uncles were alumni who had lived at I-House. “I-House never wanted freshmen, but my aunt threw her weight around and got me in,” laughs Kwei, whose aunt Djoh-I Li was among the earliest residents of I-House, the coeducational housing complex for international and American students established in …
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