Born in Paris, she had a background in history and philosophy and had written a master’s thesis comparing the different bank bailout programs in Europe. She was poised to take a position as a lobbyist in Brussels when a professor she admired encouraged her to further pursue her research in political economy. What clinched the decision? “The possibility to be funded, and to be funded in a very decent way, is completely what made me decide to continue with research and come here.”
Elsa is supported at Berkeley by a graduate fellowship in political science from the Harold Wilensky Fund, which was created with the remaining principal from a charitable gift annuity. Harold Wilensky, professor emeritus of political science at Berkeley, was a pioneer in the study of the welfare state and social policy. He made major contributions to understanding the impact of industrial transformation on the structure, culture, and politics of modern society. Berkeley’s reputation as a hub for breakthrough thinking drew Elsa to continue her work here.